Benjamin Orr The Legacy
Here at The Legacy most photos, videos, and images that we post of Benjamin and/or The Cars were extracted from the Internet and are thereby considered to be "in the Public Domain." Our use of such photos, images and videos is consistent with the Fair Use Doctrine as no monetary or pecuniary gain is being realized by their use or posting to our sites which have been established for the sole purpose of honoring and memorializing an artist or public figure, Benjamin Orr. We do not engage in any willful or intentional violation or circumvention of any photographer, videographer or artist's copyrighted material that is exempt from Fair Use. To the maximum extent possible we believe in giving proper credit and attribution where due and where known.
We encourage photographers, videographers, and artists (both professional and amateur) to give us their "blessings" and post their works or material featuring Benjamin Orr here on our sites. If you would like your photos, videos or artwork of Benjamin Orr featured here on The Legacy, we would love for you to contribute them and we can provide you with a dedicated space or a photo album here on The Legacy to share with us and with other fans and admirers of Benjamin Orr.
For photo, video or image removal or for legitimate claims regarding any material here that may be deemed objectionable, please contact us for removal or to discuss your concern.
Thank you.